
Swiss Solway 2017年在马其顿的Buchim铜矿成果

Steady improvement of this facility’s operational efficiency was the key driver for ensuring the sustainability of production that resulted in the historically stable performance of the Cu segment of the Group with the 2017 EBITDA margin at 49% at Solway-owned DOO Buchim Radovish, which is Macedonia’s largest copper mine. Management of the Group is commencing the development of the Borov Dol project which enables Buchim’s Mine Life until 2030. The planned investment in 2018 is USD 22 million, the majority of which will be funded by committed credit lines with local banks.




总体而言,2017年环保支出为150,000美元,包括建设SXew Shop环境计划延期,环境监测服务 - 地下水,大气空气,环境噪声,工业排放和排放,废物管理服务和环境和能源第三党审计和评估。

Buchim’s 2017 annual health and safety operational investments reached USD 159,000, including costs for the worker’s Personal Protective Equipment, emergency response services and employees physical examinations, staff training and attestation etc. 25 managers and workers obtained H&S operation licenses from the State Ministry of Labour Protection and Social Policy.

2017年,索尔威在社会发展中继续投资 - 为社会活动分配了60,000美元:当地足球,手球和摔跤俱乐部,文化和社区关系,包括民间音乐团体和地方非政府组织,学前班和惩教教育方案萝萝卜市。

Buchim成功完成了环境基线调查,以及Borov Dol矿山发展的占地面积和环境影响评估研究的考古调查。博罗夫DOL矿山项目的拟议溶剂投资应导致Buchim工业运营长达10年,并改善当地社区支持三个直辖市 - Konche,Shtip和Radovish。