



The immense rise in coal production (primarily, by surface mining) and exports seen in Kemerovo Region in the past decade and a half – a boost spurred along by the authorities’ lax approach to the coal companies’ neglect of social and environmental responsibility – came with skyrocketing pollution and waste accumulation levels. Those, in turn, have led to severe damage to the health of the local population, reduced life expectancy, and higher-than-average mortality rates. Trapped in a predominantly coal-reliant economy and unable to secure compensation or relocation money, local residents are effectively held hostage to Russia’s goal of sustaining a competitive edge in a declining coal market. And the already extensive harm can grow worse yet if Russian and Kuzbass governments press ahead with further plans to increase coal production in the region.


根据俄罗斯联邦自然资源监管局(Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource乐动软件最新版s)的数据,2019年克麦罗沃地区的企业排放了1760万吨大气污染物,略高于西北联邦地区的排放总量,后者的领土超过库兹巴斯约18倍。根据库兹巴斯地区自然资源和环境部的数据,自2009年以来的十年间,克麦罗沃地区固定污染源的总排放量增长了22.3%,在过去15年里,煤矿企业乐动软件最新版每年的排放量几乎翻了一番,从2005年的约591,000吨增加到2019年的1,147,048吨。2019年数据显示,库兹巴斯居民固定源年均污染物排放量为662 kg;在过去的五年里,人均排放量增加了167公斤。相比之下,2018年,按人均计算,俄罗斯固定源和流动源最常见污染物的排放量为每人220公斤。


在2018年,该地区产生了3.6吨浪费 - 在整个国家的7.3吨吨的几乎一半。在Kuzbass中产生的工业和市政浪费中,99%是煤矿生产的废物。2010年至2019年间,煤炭开采生成的废物的年度体积从1.8吨吨到3.8英镑的吨,或者超过双重。Calculated per ton of coal mined, waste generation rate grew from 10 tons in 2010 to 11.7 tons in 2017. The coal industry’s waste may contain, in varying concentrations, combustible carbonaceous materials, sulphur, and the naturally occurring radionuclides radium-226, thorium-228, and potassium-40, as well as their fission products. The specific land disturbance rate increased between 2010 and 2017 from 7.8 to 16.4 hectares per million tons of coal produced, or by 2.1 times. Existing regulations require establishing buffer areas around coal development sites – 1,000 kilometers from the edge of an open-pit mine and 500 meters from spoil tips, which are piles of waste rock excavated during mining – with zoning restrictions in place to protect the residents in nearby areas. In Kuzbass, this requirement is routinely disregarded throughout the region, especially in such cities as Kiselyovsk and Prokopyevsk, where the distance between residential houses and the closest open-pit mine may be less than 200 meters.



“城市限制内的煤炭挖掘和重新加载,这是燃烧和释放粉尘进入空气的数十亿吨的破坏堆 - 这是Kuzbass的典型场景。由于气候变化,许多国家计划停止煤炭使用,这将导致需求下降。Kuzbass需要在其工作市场中的选择,或者我们将面临社会动荡,“Anton Lementuyev,Ecodefense在Kuzbass的协调员。
