

Rio Tinto’s Jadar project, which plans to produce lithium near Loznica, will cover more than 2,000 hectares of land, and seven to eight million euros a year, as much as the state would collect from lithium exploitation, is “a miserable sum” for losing so much land. assessed the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Prof. Ratko Ristic. The Jadar project involves the opening of an underground mine in Loznica. Rio Tinto says that it is about 60 square kilometers of space covered by their license. A world-class lithium whose future lies in electric cars – that’s how it describes the potential of this area.

但是,希望这项项目的人们没有得到提到的,如果项目实施,农业将只是过去的一件事,土地将被毒害,尾矿会淹没这个领域,仿佛Jadar和Jadar和Jadar和Drina Rivers将被污染,因为水会倒出他们的低谷并返回污染。


Rio Tinto正在做多少伤害,他们对它的关心程度,他们的业务在“本土”澳大利亚,他们在皮尔巴拉地区吹了一个46,000岁的洞穴,以挖掘价值的铁矿石百万美元。在Pilbara地区的Yukan峡谷中的洞穴在工程期间被摧毁,以扩大矿井。它们对土着文化有价值,并且是已发现原住民存在痕迹的最古老的已知遗迹之一。英国澳大利亚公司为摧毁了最后一次冰河时代的洞穴而道歉,并开始与Put Kunti Kurama和Pinikura(PKKP)人民的代表讨论关于“改善”在本圣地为土着人民的情况下的情况。他将如何做到这一点非常非常不清楚。联邦议会命令公司向人民支付PKKP赔偿,重建洞穴并承诺永远不会在那里挖掘。

该公司本周委任Dane Jacob Stausholm作为新的首席执行官两位高管 - Jean-Sebastian Jacques和Chris Salisbury将公司留在公众和投资者的压力下。



While experts call on the state to act rationally and make a study on environmental impact assessment, a graffiti appeared in the center of Belgrade that summarizes the public’s attitude very well, and which will probably be ignored this time as well – “Rio Tinto, walk away from the Drina!”
