

Rio TINTO是该地球上最大的采矿企业集团之一,一直在研究罗兹尼卡附近的锂矿床,过去16年和购买土地。盎格鲁澳大利亚公司计划在一年内决定是否经过该项目,估计价值15亿美元。该网站靠近Drina,Bih Territory只是河流。

来自塞尔维亚的环保主义者,塞尔维亚的环保主义者表示,Banja Luka的环境中的跨界影响探讨了BIH中的一项程序,以确定罗兹尼卡地区的可能剥削和加工锂矿石。RIO TINTO将在一年内决定是否挖掘牛头石矿物质。

环保主义团体称为ZaštitimoJadariraževinu和考皮擦Zaodrživorudarenjeu srbiji(塞尔维亚的可持续采矿联盟)感谢环境中心 - 克萨斯,因为他们所说,在斯普斯卡共和国和波斯尼亚·黑塞哥维那加入有能力的当局有关可能的跨界的主管当局Jadarite剥削在塞尔维亚的影响。

Czžs是位于Bih共和国Srpska共和国首都的Banja Luka。在跨界背景下引用了ESPOO关于环境影响评估(EIA)的埃斯科公约,该组织要求国家对塞尔维亚的磋商,就塞尔维亚对采矿和加工的特殊用途领域的空间计划进行磋商,另外两名环保人员团体说。他们声称来自Banja Luka的同事写道,里奥蒂托是最臭名昭着的国际公司之一,它促使世界各地的丑闻来自马达加斯加到印度尼西亚到巴布亚新几内亚。“We believe we must take a responsible stance toward this project, which works with a very specific and unique mineral, jadarite, which is indeed a pioneering and risky project, especially when, like in this case, we don’t have enough information about the impact,” the submitted document reads, as quoted by Zaštitimo Jadar i Rađevinu and Koalicija za održivo rudarenje.


“Considering that the spatial plan for the special purpose of jadarite exploitation was adopted and produced at the end of last year, during holidays, so that the public wouldn’t gain awareness, we have the reason to believe that transboundary consultations weren’t conducted and that this plan will have to fail,” the two organizations from Serbia said, claiming that Jadar project is a plan for “environmental suicide.” They proposed to include Croatia in the process due to the proximity of the river Sava.

“We are also pushing to determine whether transboundary consultations were held in other disputed cases, like gold mining in Serbia’s east, as not even the domestic laws are implemented with regard to our compatriots in Bor and the surrounding villages, let alone international conventions,” according to the statement.

